6 Things To Quit Right Now
Most times we are bewildered by the things life throws at us and decided enough is enough. You don’t want to take it anymore. The overwhelming stress of what is happening pushes us to surrender our will power to the strains of life. By this post I am going to give six (6) things you need to quit right now and stop doing as it’s a recipe for failure and it will breed contempt and eventually pull you back. 1. When we try to please everyone: We are what we think, you determine what people think about you, you are unique and being yourself makes you original. The moments you try to be someone you’re not then you have missed the point. A lot of people spend half their lives trying to please everyone and gain approval of everyone. This is not meant to last as the people you’re trying to please will see through your pretense. Learn to be original and stop living in the image of people you admire. 2. The fear of change:...