How To Make The Right Decision By Listening To Your Conscience Every time

“There comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but he must take it because conscience tells him it is right.” – Martin Luther King Jr.
Do u usually have that crazy feeling in your gut that refuses to stop unless you succumb to it. Yeah! That is your conscience pricking you to do something in a situation. Most times refusing to do this result in a “vague sense of guilt” about what you should have done in such situations. There’s a saying that goes that a clear conscience fears to accusation.  Our conscience is like our innermost sanctuary that guides us and directs our everyday dealings.

How To Make The Right Decision By Listening To Your Conscience Every Time
A conscience is aptitude, faculty, intuition or judgement that assists in distinguishing right from wrong.  It can also be understood as our power to choose what is good and what is evil.  A lot of people disregard this thinking faculty and instead do what they feel like. Conscience can also be known as an inner voice which you can hear and feel in our head. Before we make decisions regarding any situation, different consciences are at logger heads, each trying to be dominating over the other in our head. As a person, you are the administrator, you own your body and any decision you make will affect that same body.

 “If all the world hated and believed you wicked, while your own conscience approved of you and absolved you from guilt, you would not be without friends.” – Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre 

Our bodies can be compared to a hardware component which we are the users/administrators we have the sole power and authority to make any changes to it. Our soul is the software which contains our wills, mind and thoughts. Both the hardware and software need to function together. For us to make good decisions, we must learn to listen to the spirit. Failure to do this will result in unfavourable consequences. The ability for us to know when the spirit talks to us then we are in the right part of making the best decisions in life.

See also: what motivates us
Consciences are usually depicted as a battle in our mind, inner light vs. inner darkness. The inner light can be represented as an angel while the inner darkness can be seen as demons and devilish agents poisoning our mind and causing us to fail. Conscience can be depicted to be our awareness of the morals. Several factors can influence our consciences such as peer group, family, social inclinations; society etc conscience can be broken down into three categories.

Types of conscience

Basically there are three types of conscience
1.      Good conscience
2.      Guilty conscience
3.      False or bad conscience

False or bad conscience

In our world today, we see a lot of atrocities and crime, this are by products of false conscience. You see people being murdered in cold blood and you imagine what will warrant someone to perpetuate such hideous acts. These acts are perpetrated by people who have killed their spirit. The same spirit which gives them the direction to make the right decisions always, they have shut out that inner voice hence they lack the moral judgement to ascertain what is right and what is wrong, what is good and what is evil.

Guilty conscience

This type of conscience pricks you and disturbs your mind, it is usually post incident. After the deed has occurred then you begin to feel a sudden guilt. It is a voice of guilt in your mind. It causes you pain and anger. It can be so annoying and depressing because you can’t focus and you always imagine if you haven’t made the wrong decision. The best way to overcome this guilt is to drop it and move on. In life, it is certain that we will be faced with certain situations that will need us to follow our heart and spirit. And it is not assured that our decisions will be perfect. So anytime you make the wrong decisions, you just need to remove the voice of guilt from your mind.

Good conscience

I call it good because this tells you the right decision to make. It is the voice of the spirit, the voice of reasoning, the soft voice that appeals in your inner mind, it is usually loudest and consistent among the other thoughts. It’s the one that wants the best for you, the angelic voice. A good conscience is noble and pure and right in all ramifications. It does not cause grief or pain or regret. It always leads you to the right part. It leads you to the right decision. If you as an individual want to be successful by making the right calls then you must learn how to listen to your conscience.

How to listen to your conscience.

Now we have known the different types of conscience, you now need to know the steps to use in listening and harnessing the potentials of your conscience. I recommend two ways to improve our perception to listening these are: Meditation and Examination of Conscience.


This is a state of mind where you remove yourself from the environment and meditate .An individual trains the mind and induces a mode of consciousness, to become identified with that content. Being at peace with your inner mind’ in this state, you pause and ponder for few minutes then you will be able to interact with your spirit and ascertain a higher level of understanding. It takes an amount of practise to maintain the concentration. People who meditate have a higher perception and comprehension.  They know how to listen to their inner voice and carry on with their judgement. Certain religions make use of meditation as a means of communication with higher spirits.  Christians use it to communicate with God, anytime you have trouble making the right decision, it is time to meditate.

Examination of Conscience

This is carried out by engaging in a sober reflection of your life. You need to ask yourself why you act the way you do and the effects of your decisions on your friends and immediate family. What you could have done right. There is no exact time duration for examining your conscience it can take up to thirty minutes or more. The major thing is that you reflect on your past mistakes and resolve to make the best decisions next time. It is a catholic practise that prepares an individual for confession. An examination of conscience is the act of looking prayerfully into our hearts to ask how we have hurt our relationship with God and other people through our words and actions. The results of this examination will prevent us from carrying out those same actions and decisions next time.
Over the years there have been different writings about what conscience entails and different views about it. We have philosophical views, religious views and even secular views, each doing justice to the topic. I must state that in my research all these views point to one main point which is the ability of man to make the right judgement in any situation. In the 13th century, St Thomas Aquinas regarded conscience as the application of moral knowledge to a particular case. our conscience plays a major role in our decisions.
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